The Many Genres of Literature

Those interested in literature will undoubtedly have their favorite genre and perhaps not have considered delving into other types. This blog will seek to inform readers of how the many kinds of literature differ from each other and offer advice on where to start. Fiction is, of course, the most popular and needs little explanation. However, poetry and narrative non-fiction deserve further exploration. Narrative non-fiction, in particular, leads to some fascinating true stories but written in the style of a novel. There can undoubtedly be a fine line between using imagination and yet still telling the truth of the events.

Books to Give You Nightmares

20 Nov 2021

There is no doubt that many people enjoy the horror genre and are quite happy to risk having nightmares! Some popular choices include The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall.

The Best Historical Fiction Books

9 Oct 2021

Historical fiction is undoubtedly a popular genre for all readers, with a vast selection of fascinating titles to choose from. Recommended novels include Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The Incarnations by Susan Barker and Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks.

5 Non-Fiction Novels You Need to Read Today

31 Jul 2021

Everybody loves a good story. It could be about adventure, fantasy, romance, and even actual events. Well-written fiction can keep us glued to a book for hours and even end up on a movie screen. But non-fiction books can be just as entertaining. In this article, we’ll talk about some essential non-fiction novels. They’ll broaden your understanding of life, history, and many other things.

Different Styles for Different Interests

Not all non-fiction books are created equal. Non-fiction is an umbrella term, which covers several subgroups. It would be impossible to list all types of non-fiction novels out there. Essays, opinion pieces, scientific, technical, biographies, you name it. But most of them fall in one of these six main categories:

  • Expository Literature

This kind of novel focuses on particular themes. You’ll usually see this style in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Medical) books. Recurrent themes include philosophy, academic research, and more.

  • Traditional

This kind of book offers an overview of more general topics. It’s a great option to introduce readers to a particular theme they may not be familiar with yet.

  • Active

This style aims to teach readers a specific skill. Often, those books are about things like cooking, how-to guides, craft books, and similar.

  • Browsable

Browsable books don’t need to be read from the beginning until the end in a linear way. Instead, the reader can jump between chapters and go straight to bits they’re interested in.

  • Narrative

Here, you can find biographies, accounts on historical events, memoirs, journalism, and more. It’s one of the most significant subgroups.

  • Self-help

Self-help novels are among the most sold non-fiction books you’ll find on the shelves. They’re primarily about business, self-confidence, entrepreneurship, etc.

The Best of

Check some must-read stories that talk about life, the Universe, and everything else.

Always Bet on the Butcher, by Warren Nelson

Casino enthusiasts will love this one. Nelson talks about the development of casinos in the United States from the 1930s to the 1980s. In this story, Nelson is a strong character himself, in the casino history in the US, from the Great Depression to the Las Vegas’ hype, in the 80s. His contribution to this niche is verifiable in many online casino games today.

A Brief History of Time – Stephen Hawking

It’s perhaps the most influential book by one of the most brilliant thinkers of all time. It reviews the theories of several physicists and mathematicians, such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

In Cold Blood – Truman Capote

Capote tells the story of the killing of the Clutter family in 1959. The book follows the case, from the investigation to the execution of the murderers. The narrative is powerful and mixes suspense and empathy.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat – Oliver Sachs

Sachs is one of the most respected neurologists worldwide. In this book, he recollects shocking stories about his patients and their mental disorders richly and humanely.

Anne Frank – The Diary of a Young Girl

It’s a heartbreaking account of this Holocaust victim, and her family has shocked and inspired generations. It was found in the attic where Anne spent her last years until the Gestapo found them.

Science Fiction Classics

21 Jun 2021

It can be fascinating to read science fiction books that were written some time ago. The ideas that seemed far-fetched at publication are often now part of everyday life. Some novels to consider include Dune by Frank Herbert, and The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin.

A Book Publishing Guide for Authors

25 May 2021

Speak to any published writer who has written a book, and they are going to tell you that it's an enormous challenge. It's a long, long and tiring operation. Even if you like writing – and don't want to write for a long time on the same topic – you will definitely have a smooth writing process. However, it takes more time and effort to get your book published than first to write it.

Step 1: Starting from scratch

You must begin with some original thinking in order to write a good book. You have a lot of originality, but you can find it difficult to create a cohesive flow of thoughts and information that are digested by the public. The first step is to build your book's skeleton. You have to organise your thoughts into chapters. Think of it as an online slot; you need to brainstorm and keep spinning ideas around until you finally get the feeling of a true topic, i.e. landing on the right colours. Did you know the creation of the games is layed out as they do for books and content—the thoughts, the vision, colour, contract, symbols etc. You can learn more about slots by visiting Slot Tracker.

Start with a table of contents if you write a non-fiction novel. Write headings and subheadings for the chapter. Arrange the chapters such that each chapter is constructed on each other. It's easier for you to fill your book with a collection of short articles that flow through each other if you can write more chapter items than you can.

You'll need more storyboards if you write fiction. You must create cause and effect as well as drawings of characters. Your characters will need to respond to events to keep your storey consistent. The reactions of your readers should be predictable when they enter the storey. You may have to create some scenarios to introduce your characters to the reader.

These are general guidelines for building your book. When you get closer to figuring out how to publish your novel, the whole process will be even more involved. Even after the majority of the content is done, it takes a lot more time to print your book.

Step 2 - Finding the right Source

The next step to publishing your book is to find an editor. There are many sites on the Internet and in your local library. These tools can be used to find the right publisher to publish your book. You may receive an invitation to send a manuscript following a series of inquiries and correspondence with potential publishers. The work then starts.

Step 3- Promote promote promote

The publisher finds marketable books with a great deal of experience. They know what your book would take to sell. Do not be insulted when your books are tearing apart as a book publisher is interested in your book. This may provide a good signal. Wait for a friendship between you and the editor and adjust when you carefully review what you have written before. If you have finished, the manuscript is ready for print, clean and proper.

The way to write a book is a long way, but the effort is worth it. Trust yourself to make a beautiful masterpiece, and trust the publisher. Don't be discouraged if you don't care for your book by many publishers. You will need to write your first book, and your book can be published immediately again.

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